Before getting started
In order to get the most out of this course, we encourage you to have an attitude of positive participation, meaning:
- There should be no guilt, shame or blame for your previous misconceptions or knowledge levels;
- You will engage with this content with an open mind;
- You will commit to future action to becoming a better ally.
Please remember:
We’d like to acknowledge that the stories you’ll hear as part of this course do not represent the entire 2SLGBTQ+ community. During the creation of this presentation, we have done our best to include many voices to provide the audience with a fuller picture, but the picture cannot be 100%. It’s also important to note that 2SLGBTQ+ peoples’ understandings, meanings and experiences of each topic we present on may be different, even between people with the same identities. Therefore, when someone tells you their experiences and understanding of their own identities, believe them and don’t question them.