
IDAHOTB 2021: Together resisting, Supporting, and Healing

IDAHOTB 2021: Together resisting, Supporting, and Healing

Created in 2004, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia exists to draw attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by LGBTQ2+ people. It is observed on May 17th to commemorate the World Health Organization’s declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder, which did not occur until 1990.

While strides have been made with regard to equality for people with marginalized sexual orientations, LGBTQ2+ people still do not have equal rights. And while people have grown more accustomed to gay and lesbian relationships, discrimination against Bisexual and Pansexual people is still shockingly rampant. Bisexual people experience higher rates of violence and are less likely to receive critical health screenings than gay men and lesbians.

People attracted to multiple genders also have much lower social support than gay men and lesbians. Bisexual people are significantly less likely to be out to everyone in their lives. There is also still widespread distrust of Bisexual and Pansexual people as potential romantic partners, even within the LGBTQ2+ community. This inter-LGBTQ2+ discrimination means that Bisexual and Pansexual people both experience more severe marginalization and have less access to the social support needed to deal with that marginalization.

The escalation of hateful rhetoric over the “trans debate” in the United States and the UK is another painful reminder of how far we still have to go. Politicians fan the flames of transgender and non-binary hatred by “debating” their existence and pushing legislation aimed at banning them from public spaces and public life.

In the United States, more than 100 anti-trans bills have been proposed in 33 states banning things like trans participation in sports or even transition-related medical care. And while Canada, a notable haven for “rainbow refugees” and one of the first countries to legalize marriage equality, conversion “therapy” is still legal in half of the provinces.

There is no scientific evidence that a person’s gender or sexual orientation can be changed through “therapy”, and a wealth of evidence to support that people who experience conversion “therapy” experience lasting and irreparable harm. A third of men who survive conversion “therapy” go on to attempt suicide. And yet, there are federal MPs who are currently advocating against efforts to fully outlaw this outdated and unspeakably cruel practice.

This May 17th, LGBTQ2+ people need your support more than ever. LGBTQ2+ people have disproportionately suffered the economic and health impacts of COVID 19, and are doing their best to get by during a cultural moment in which it’s seen as acceptable to debate their very existence. So please ask yourself: what direct action can I take to support LGBTQ2+ people in my community, and what might that look like?

Whatever you decide, remember that silence is not an option if you truly care about the safety and well-being of LGBTQ2+ people in your community.

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SPECTRUM Waterloo Opportunity – Call for an Advisor/Sensitivity Reader

SPECTRUM Waterloo Opportunity – Call for an Advisor/Sensitivity Reader 

The Opportunity

SPECTRUM recognizes that the organization has work to do to ensure that its programs and services are accessible and relevant to all members of the community. This work will include audits of our existing programs and services, the development of new programs, development of evaluations and outcomes for programs and services, consultations and training in anti-racism, inclusion, and accessibility.

SPECTRUM is seeking a sensitivity reader to assist in the creation of a Request for Proposal. The RFP will enable the organization to hire an Indigenous consultant and a Black consultant for internal review of its programs and policies.


Completion of the Request for Proposal must take no longer than two weeks, approximately 5-8 hours. Work will be done collaboratively over 2-4 sittings via Zoom. Compensation: CAD 200 in total.


Those involved in this work are ineligible to apply for the consultancy role when the RFP is released.

Job Overview:

  • Co-create a draft Request for Proposal through the lens of Indigenous and Black community needs, ensuring there are nobarriers to employment
  • Communicate recommendations to SPECTRUM promptly
  • Work from home, flexible hours


  • Lived experience or extensive knowledge of the LGBTQ2+ community
  • Experienced copy editor and proofreader
  • Detail-driven; self-directed
  • Able to make an impact within a cooperative team environment
  • A skilled, written, and verbal communicator with the ability to convey ideas in a clear andconcise manner


SPECTRUM is Waterloo Region’s first-ever LGBTQ2+ / Rainbow community space! SPECTRUM is an organization that serves, affirms, and supports the well-being of LGBTQ2+ individuals in Waterloo Region and the broader community through peer support, community partnerships, education and training, resources, and events.

To apply:

Submit a resume via email to Kristy Skelton by the end of the day, May 30, 2021

Acting Executive Director
Kristy Skelton

Thank you for your interest in SPECTRUM! Should your skills and experience match the requirements for the role, you will be contacted in a timely manner.

Follow us on: Twitter @our_SPECTRUM, Facebook @SpectrumCommunitySpace, Instagram @spectrumwaterlooregion, Linkedin at SPECTRUM Waterloo Region.

SPECTRUM Waterloo is committed to creating a culture of diversity and belonging. We appreciate all who apply.

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TransNAV GPS Is Now Live!

TransNAV GPS Is Now Live!

TransNAV GPS is a service that has been developed for SPECTRUM Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space to help transgender-identifying people find service providers within and outside of Waterloo Region. The directory is organized by categories: Medical, Mental Health, Employment, Legal, Housing, Social, Personal, and Other.

This is an evolving resource which we will continue to update. If you know of any services or providers that you would like to see added please send a message to our Trans Services Coordinator or fill in the form at the bottom of this page. Please include as much detail as you can and we will work to get it added to the directory.

TransNAV GPS was developed with funding from the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) administered by the Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation  and Cambridge and North Dumfries Community Foundation.

Click Here

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