Spectrum launches endowment fund with Waterloo Region Community Foundation

Spectrum Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space has been providing programs and services for 2SLGBTQIA+ people since 2012. They provide more than 30 different groups and activities each month, including peer support groups, social/recreational programming, and training.

Spectrum’s Rainbow Community Fund is being launched with an investment of $5,000.

“We are celebrating our 10th anniversary,” says Executive Director, Scott Williams, “and we are planning to be in the community for many years to come. Spectrum’s Rainbow Community Fund has been established to help provide financial stability to the organization in the long-term.”

Spectrum’s Rainbow Community Fund is one of over 400 funds held by Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF). These funds generate income that is then distributed to support a broad range of charitable causes within our community.

“We are very pleased to be able to support Spectrum as they work to build up the resources to deliver programming in the community to meet current and future needs,” says Eric Avner, President & Chief Executive Officer, Waterloo Region Community Foundation. “Endowment funds like this help us work towards our vision of a sustainable, equitable, thriving community.”

“At this time of year, we are reminded that many 2SLGBTQIA+ people do not have supportive families to gather with,” says Williams. “Spectrum provides a much-needed safe space where members of the rainbow community can find a sense of belonging. We are so grateful to the community for the financial support through individual, family, and corporate donations that makes our work possible.”

Donations can be made to Spectrum’s Rainbow Community Fund at www.wrcf.ca/spectrum. For more information about contributing to the fund, please contact WRCF at 519-725-1806 or info@wrcf.ca. If you want to learn more about Spectrum and the programs that we offer in community please contact info@ourspectrum.com

About Spectrum:

Founded in 2012, Spectrum offers over 30 different groups and activities each month. Spectrum is an organization that serves, affirms, and supports the well-being of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals in Waterloo Region and the broader community through peer support, community partnerships, education and training, resources, and events. www.ourspectrum.com

About Waterloo Region Community Foundation

Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) collaborates with partners to create sustainable, equitable and thriving communities. We connect regionally and locally, working with three cities and four townships – to include the people and places across our region. Together, we develop forward-thinking innovative solutions and seize opportunities to meet current and future needs of our community. We make philanthropy easy for individuals and companies to support organizations and issues they care about. WRCF is focused on Granting, Impact Investing and Convening to make measurable and sustainable impacts. Gifts are directed to WRCF’s endowed funds that drive positive change through grants with the income generated being distributed in partnership with Fundholders to support a wide range of charitable causes within our community. A portion of the endowed funds are also used for impact investments that deliver both financial returns as well as positive social or environmental outcomes. As a leading community-building organization, we also work to amplify voices and issues of importance by convening conversations and sharing information, while approaching our work with an equity mindset. www.wrcf.ca


SPECTRUM offers a safe place where LGBTQ2+ individuals can be themselves and find community and supports.