TAKE NOTICE that the Annual and a Special General Meeting of the Members of SPECTRUM Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space (“SPECTRUM”) will be held on October 10, 2023 at 7pm virtually on Zoom for the following purposes:

1.         Receiving and approving the Minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting

2.         Receiving the 2022 Annual Statement and Auditors Report

3.         Considering and if thought fit, confirming By-law 1 – 2023 passed by the Board of Directors on March 19, 2023 which By-law replaces By-law 2021 as the general by-law relating to the business and affairs of the Corporation.

A complete copy of By-law 1 – 2023 is appended to this Notice.

4.         To authorize the Board to file Articles of Amendment to provide that the Corporation may have a minimum and maximum number of directors and to authorize the President to sign the Articles of Amendment.

5.         To pass a special resolution of the members to set the number of directors at 10 until otherwise changed.

6.         Electing Directors

7.         To approve the waiving of the appointment of an auditor by way of extraordinary resolution in accordance with the Act.


Annual General Meeting

SPECTRUM offers a safe place where LGBTQ2+ individuals can be themselves and find community and supports.