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Fundraise for SPECTRUM

Ways to Raise Funds

As a registered charity, SPECTRUM is always grateful for support from the community. We don’t currently have any annualized, stable funding. Our budget is made up of revenue from grants from supporters like United Way Waterloo Region Communities, and from donations from individuals, families, and businesses.

Peer-to-Peer Online Fundraising

One of the simplest ways to fundraise is to create a peer-to-peer fundraising page that you can share on social media. This is a great activity to celebrate your birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion. With a few clicks you can create a free fundraising page on Canada Helps.

Other Fundraising Ideas

Coffee Morning: Ask your favourite coffee shop if they can donate some tasty treats, brew up some java and invite co-workers to grab a bite in exchange for a donation.

Car Wash: The classic car wash never goes out of style. Arrange to get some space in the parking lot of a grocery store or home improvement store and people can get their cars washed while they shop!

Bake Sale: Recruit your friends to help bake some yummy treats and then arrange a sale at work or school.

BBQ: Fire up the grill and invite the neighbourhood! Include burgers for the adults and hot dogs for the kids - don’t forget a vegetarian option! Have a secret potato salad that everyone raves about? Offer the recipe to the highest bidder and watch the cash fly in!

Carnival/Fair: Folks love family-friendly activities and what’s more family-oriented than a fair or carnival? Look to Pinterest for tips and ideas on how to make popular carnival games at home and ask local businesses to donate prizes.

Fashion Show: Connect with your favourite local clothing retailers and see if they’d like to collaborate to raise money for SPECTRUM!

Golf Tournament: From longest drive to closest to the pin, there are many different ways to host a successful tourney for the golfers in your life.

A-thon (swim, walk or run): Ask for donations by pool lap or kilometre and push yourself to go as far as you can. Let your donors know what you expect your total distance to be.

Dress Down Fridays:
If you work somewhere that doesn’t normally offer casual Fridays then this may be a good choice for you! Talk with management to see if they’ll allow jeans for one day and then solicit donations from your co-workers.

Casino Night:
For your friends and family that love to glam it up, host a casino night fundraiser. There are lots of party game rental companies in the area who may be willing to work with you for a discounted rate.

Get those dabbers out and practice your best bingo-calling voice.

Gift Basket Raffle:
A little different than a silent auction - use donated items to build gift baskets and then get your friends, family and co-workers to buy tickets to try and win the gift basket of their choice.

Garage Sale:
Clean out your closets and basement for a good cause. 

Fundraising Donations

If you’d like to run your ideas past us in advance, or want to discuss the possibility of tax receipts for donors to your event, please connect with SPECTRUM first so that we can explain what we can do.

SPECTRUM follows Canada Revenue Agency tax receipt rules. Our charitable registration number is 850960567RR0001.

SPECTRUM reserves the right to decline or return any donation that comes from a source which is deemed incompatible with our values or a donation that we believe may have resulted from unethical fundraising practices.