People working together at a table

Relaunch of SPECTRUM’s Rainbow Diversity Training program and new eLearning modules

In January, SPECTRUM embarked on a year-long capacity-building project – Project Excelsior – which was made possible by a generous grant from the LGBTQ2+ Community Capacity Fund.

At the beginning of the year, we conducted a series of community surveys to identify unmet needs in our community. Those surveys revealed a lack of community support for 2SLGBTQ+ people, and an overall lack of awareness or knowledge of 2SLGBTQ+ people and their experiences. As such, an overhaul and expansion of our Rainbow Diversity Training programs was identified as a key goal necessary to the success of the project.

Throughout the year, the Project Excelsior team has worked hard to expand our previous training into a new series of 2SLGBTQ+ cultural competency training offerings. As the year draws to a close, we’re pleased to be able to announce the relaunch of our Rainbow Diversity Training with two key offerings: workshops for organizations and online eLearning modules for individuals.

Workshops for Organizations

SPECTRUM’s Rainbow Diversity Training workshops help organizations along the path towards becoming more open and welcoming, as well as equitable and accessible to persons of all sexual and gender diversities, both to clients and employees of the organization.

Our series of RDT workshops can help organizations at all stages of their learning process:

●          Rainbow Diversity Training 101

●          Rainbow Diversity Training 102

●          Rainbow Diversity Training 201

●          Rainbow Diversity Training 301

●          Rainbow Diversity Training for Leaders

●          Aging with Pride (for senior-serving organizations)

We also have a one-hour lunch and learn that provides a condensed version of the 101 workshop.

Interested? You can find more information about topics covered in the workshops and pricing here.

Online eLearning modules for individuals

In addition to our training workshops for organization, SPECTRUM is very excited to announce the launch of two new eLearning courses.

Why offer online courses?

The continuing evolution of our cultural understanding of gender and sexuality can sometimes make it difficult for non-2SLGBTQ+ people who want to be respectful to avoid using terms that are outdated and possibly offensive. So SPECTRUM is here to help! SPECTRUM’s Rainbow Diversity Training eLearning courses are meant to help allies and people looking to become allies form basic understandings of 2SLGBTQ+ terms, concepts, and experiences.

SPECTRUM offers two options for eLearning about 2SLGBTQ+ basics:

  • Rainbow Diversity Training 101: a course covering basic terms and concepts
  • Rainbow Diversity Training 102: a supplementary course that covers privilege, intersectionality, and puts the basic terms into context

Users can choose either to purchase access to just the 101 course, or a discounted bundle including both the 101 and 102.

Want to learn more? More information about the courses and purchase options here.

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We’re looking for local 2SLGBTQ+ people to write guest blogs for SPECTRUM!

SPECTRUM is looking for local 2SLGBTQ+ people to write guest blog posts, to be published on our website in 2022, as part of our continuing efforts to raise awareness of 2SLGBTQ+ people and experiences in Waterloo Region.

Guest bloggers will be paid an honorarium of .30 cents per word for posts of up to 500 words. Guest bloggers will retain ownership of their work; the honorarium is to purchase indefinite rights for SPECTRUM to use the work.

What we’re looking for:

  • Length: 300-500 words
  • Topic: either a personal story or experience or a specific 2SLGBTQ+ issue in our community
  • Completion date: blog posts to be completed no later than December 18th.

SPECTRUM would especially like to hear from Black, Indigenous, and other QTPOC members of our community.

Interested? Submit a pitch for a column topic here! Pitches must be received no later than November 14th to be considered.

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Introducing the New Rainbow Pages!

SPECTRUM frequently receives requests for information about 2SLGBTQ+-friendly or owned businesses. It’s been some years now since we last published an edition of the Rainbow Pages directory but we are pleased to announce a new edition is available for Fall 2021!

This project was managed by our former Acting Executive Director, Kristy Skelton, and a student intern, Mimika Ahmed Hazra. We are deeply grateful to:

  • United Way Waterloo Region Communities for connecting us with Mimika, without whom this project would not have been possible.
  • All those organizations and individuals who purchased advertising space in the directory.
  • Finally, a special thanks to our interview subjects for sharing their time and expertise with us: Fran Pappert, Kelsi Seifert, Tony Van Giessen, and Washington Silk.

A digital version of the new directory is available for download here. Additionally, a limited number of printed copies are being distributed to various locations throughout the community.

The Rainbow Pages is just one of three resource directories that SPECTRUM has developed. SPECTRUM’s other online resource directories include:

  • TransNAV GPS: an online directory of service providers who are trans-friendly and who are experienced in providing services to local transgender folks.
  • SPECTRUM’s map of gender neutral washrooms across our community. We always welcome feedback and suggestions for new entries. You can send us a message using the form at the bottom of our Contact page.

You can find them all on our Resource Directory page.

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Job Posting:
Co-Facilitator, 2SLGBTQ+ Youth (age 18-25)

Job Posting
Co-Facilitator, 2SLGBTQ+ Youth (age 18-25) Peer Support Group x2
Part-time, Contract

Thanks to a grant from the Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund, SPECTRUM is able to fund two
co-facilitators to run a new peer support group for 2SLGBTQ+ youth aged 18-25. This will be a
pilot project for one year with the goal of developing this into an ongoing service.

$25/hour, three hours weekly, 50 weeks
Pay will be by cheque, once per month

Reporting to our Acting Executive Director, the two co-facilitators will work together to facilitate

a two-hour group every week. They will work an additional hour per week to plan and evaluate
the group. Initially, this will take place virtually using Zoom. When it is safe to do so, we will
move to our physical space in downtown Kitchener. This group will be a resource for young
2SLGBTQ+ people aged 18-25 network, increasing their sense of community and belonging.

● Must be 25 years of age or older
● Must be able to commit to working the same evening or weekend day every week (TBD
based on hiree’s schedules)
● Must have access to reliable high-speed internet and a private place to work from
● Must have access to reliable transportation to our space in downtown Kitchener

● Must identify as a member of a 2SLGBTQ+ community
● Professional social work or mental health work experience is an asset
● Excellent communication skills
● Experience facilitating groups

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