Call for submissions: mural proposals for SPECTRUM’s newly expanded space!

Call for submissions: mural proposals for SPECTRUM’s newly expanded space!

Mock-up of SPECTRUM’s new space with highlighted wall where the mural will go

We are calling for artists to paint a mural on a wall in SPECTRUM’s newly expanded space!

Thanks to a grant from the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund and our federal capacity-building funding, SPECTRUM is proud to be able to engage a local artist to create a mural for our newly expanded space.

We are especially interested in proposals from Black and Indigenous artists in Waterloo Region who have lived experience as a member of LGBTQ2+ communities.

We are looking for proposals that explore intersectionality of identities, and the vibrancy of LGBTQ2+ culture.

  • Proposals should be bright and welcoming to all people.
  • The dimensions of the wall are approximately 10-12′ high x 25′ wide
  • Submissions are due by August 10, 2021
  • We expect the work to be completed in September 2021 (COVID-permitting)
  • Artist honourarium is $5,000 and supply costs are a maximum of $500.

An image of the mural will be used to create postcards, stickers, and t-shirts that will be sold to celebrate SPECTRUM’s 10th anniversary in 2022. The proceeds of sales of these items will be divided between SPECTRUM and the artist. This revenue will go towards the ongoing rent and maintenance of SPECTRUM’s space to ensure that we continue to be able to provide a welcoming space for years to come.

Submission Format

Please send submissions to info@ourspectrum.com

Subject Line: Mural Proposal


  • Name, pronouns
  • Contact Info
  • A sketch of the design you are proposing
  • A short (250 word) description of your proposed piece
  • Link(s) to examples of your previous work online
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Covid-19 Pandemic Closure

Until further notice SPECTRUM facilities will remain closed. All SPECTRUM programs are online with the exception of the Tuesday and Thursday afternoon drop in, the Non-Binary Transgender Meetings and the Sunday Restaurant Outings which are temporarily suspended.

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