We see things differently as we age. Priorities shift. Social circles change.

Please join us for the organizational meeting of a discussion and social group for older adults – July 6, Wednesday at 7 PM at SPECTRUM (283 Duke St W, Unit 210, Kitchener). Our plan is to meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings of the month.

And if you’re concerned about whether the group is a fit for you, then try it out to see. We’re not checking birth certificates at the door. 

Our first order of business will be choosing a suitable name for our group. This may be a bit tricky, because we live in such a youth-obsessed culture that many older adults cannot bear to think of themselves in terms like “old” – “older” – “senior” – “aging” – “grey” – “elder” – “vintage” — many of which are used in program names at other community centres in North America. We need a term that suggests “older” and we may also want a term that suggests LGBTQ. So put on your thinking caps when you join us on July 6.

In addition, we will do some thinking about what kinds of discussions and activities we might like to have.

We hope that this will be a step in the direction of creating a community support for us as we age.


Older Adults, SPECTRUM programs, support

SPECTRUM offers a safe place where LGBTQ2+ individuals can be themselves and find community and supports.