March 31st is the International Day of Transgender Visibility. International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. This year, we are excited to announce the re-launch of our TransNAV GPS Directory!

Originally launched in the summer of 2021, TransNAV GPS is an online directory designed to help local trans folks find service providers in a variety of areas, such as: medical, mental health, employment, legal, housing, social organizations and personal care.

Funding from the LGBTQ2+ Community Capacity Fund extension allowed us to contract with Melissa Paige Kennedy, the originator of the project, to revisit the directory and make it more user friendly. The re-launched directory currently includes more than 160 listings in various categories. It is now possible for organizations to create an account for the directory where they can create and manage their own listing.

If you represent an organization that serves transgender people in Waterloo Region we encourage you to visit the “Dashboard” tab on TransNAV GPS to create your account!

Spectrum is grateful for the support of Women And Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) who administered the LGBTQ2+ Community Capacity Fund extension.

Visit TransNAV GPS


transgender, TransNav, WAGE Grant

SPECTRUM offers a safe place where LGBTQ2+ individuals can be themselves and find community and supports.