Hi! My name is Philip (He/Him) and I am Spectrum’s volunteer librarian! Prior to volunteering with Spectrum I was pursuing a career in academics studying Political Science at Laurier, Waterloo and Western Universities. I have worked in many different places in the past including bartending, front desk at a hotel, assembling computer boards, data processing, and teaching. I am married to my wonderful husband of 11 years and together we enjoy rollercoasters, exploring the world, and getting out hiking and biking.

What led you to volunteer at SPECTRUM?

I volunteered at Spectrum to contribute back to the community and meet new people! So far, it’s working out well!

Why is SPECTRUM important to you?

Growing up there were no real safe spaces for queer folk outside of the local gay bars. Meeting members of the community and making new friends was difficult and could be dangerous. Spectrum provides a safe place for queer people to meet, express themselves, and seek support and community. Having been to the opening of Spectrum so many years ago, I cannot express how proud I am of what it has become today, thanks to the many hours put in by volunteers.

How does volunteering help you develop a sense of belonging or community?

Outside of going to the clubs when I was younger, I never really felt a part of the queer community. Not in the true sense of community at least. Volunteering with Spectrum has helped me develop that sense of belong to a true community and the ability to make new connections. Also, I’ve learned a lot while volunteering at Spectrum about my own community which helps me to better understand and interact with the diverse rainbow that are queer people.

What’s on your playlist right now?

Recently I’ve been listening to some old favourites including Röyksopp, Underworld, and Radiohead.


SPECTRUM offers a safe place where LGBTQ2+ individuals can be themselves and find community and supports.