National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) takes place from May 26th to June 1st, 2024. We’d like to take this opportunity to share some of the work Spectrum has done to become more accessible over the past several months.

  1. One of the three Strategic Priorities in our 2024-2027 Strategic Plan is Accessibility and Inclusion in Programs and Personnel: Spectrum is committed to continuing our journey to becoming a more inclusive, equitable, and accessible organization that is welcoming and relevant to members of all 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. We will create programs and recruit personnel using an anti-oppressive and intersectional framework. We will prioritize accessibility, inclusivity, equity, and well-being – celebrating and affirming our diverse community.
  2. We worked with INNoVa to conduct an accessibility audit of our physical space and the building we are in. This audit resulted in a report with many recommendations that we have already begun to explore.
  3. We worked with Accessibrand to conduct an accessibility audit of our website. This audit resulted in a report with many recommendations that we have already begun to explore. Watch for updates that will improve the accessibility of our site over the coming months.

We’re also pleased to share that the City of Cambridge is hosting a series of webinars on dismantling ableism in the community, healthcare, and education. The webinars will feature presentations from local organizations, service providers and individuals with lived experience. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about best practices and tools on how we can create a welcoming and inclusive community.

  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024: Dismantling Ableism in the Community (Fun)
  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024: Dismantling Ableism in Healthcare
  • Thursday, May 30, 2024: Dismantling Ableism in Education

For more information and to register, visit

You can also visit the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW) for resources and ideas for observing NAAW in a meaningful way.


Accessibility, WAGE Grant

SPECTRUM offers a safe place where LGBTQ2+ individuals can be themselves and find community and supports.