Visit the Rainbow Community Calendar to see what's happening this week!

Additional Services

In addition to SPECTRUM's resources, support groups, and social events, SPECTRUM has also collaborated with community partners to provide the following services.

SPECTRUM's Legal Aid Clinic

This clinic serves members of the local LGBTQ2+ community. The consulting lawyer from WRCLS is a member of our community.
The SPECTRUM Legal Aid Clinic is made possible by a partnership between:
Waterloo Region Community Legal Services

About the clinic:

The rainbow community has a number of concerns specific to it (like transgender ID matters and refugee claims based on persecution).  In addition, community members may be uncomfortable being transparent with professionals who are not members of our community. This is why we have partnered with WRCLS to provide this Legal Aid Clinic, so that members of the local rainbow community can have their needs for legal services met in a way that is comfortable and affirming.

SPECTRUM's Legal Aid Clinic covers matters of civil law, including those related to financial support (ODSP, OW, EI, CPP and OAS), housing (tenancy problems), transgender ID, and establishing immigration/refugee status.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions legal services are currently provided by appointment only through email, phone or online video meeting.

Contact Us to Book a Legal Aid Appointment:

Chrysalis Fund for Mental Health Services

SPECTRUM established the Chrysalis Fund in memory of a former Board member. 
Funds donated to the Chrysalis Fund are used to subsidize the cost of counselling services for LGBTQ2+ people -- especially trans and non-binary folks -- through the OK2BME program at KW Counselling Services.

About the clinic:

Please direct any questions about counselling to KW Counselling Services. There is likely to be a waiting list. To book a counselling appointment, complete the online intake form here, or call KW Counselling Services’ Intake Team at 519.884.0000 x222.

Or click here to make a donation to the Chrysalis Fund.