Seeking volunteers to be interviewed for a video about lived 2SLGBTQ+ experiences

SPECTRUM is working to become a safer and more relevant space for Black, Indigenous, and racialized 2SLGBTQ+ people. One of the projects we are working on is creating a series of short educational videos that explore the intersections of 2SLGBTQ+ and Black, Indigenous, and racialized people. 

We are seeking approximately 12 volunteers who are willing to be interviewed on video to share their lived experience as Black, Indigenous, and racialized 2SLGBTQ+ people. The interviews will be wide-ranging and topics may include Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer identities, anti-racism, white supremacy, colonization, history, coming out, intersectionality, homo/bi/transphobia, and more. Here is an example of a previous video we created about race and intersectionality.

The content will be used for a variety of purposes including use in our Rainbow Diversity Training sessions, and for sharing on social media and our website. We hope that it will be shared outside our community as well and that other organizations and individuals will use these videos to learn and improve.

  • Each interview will take approximately 60-90 minutes.
  • Interviewees will need to sign a waiver giving SPECTRUM permission to use the video content.
  • Interviewees need to be aged 18+.
  • Interviewees need to be residents (or former residents) of Waterloo Region (Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and the townships).
  • Interviewees will receive an honorarium of $100 as thanks for their participation.
  • Filming will take place at Skylight Productions 900 Guelph St Suite 306, Kitchener, ON N2H 5Z6
  • Filming will take place in the afternoons/evenings of October 13th, and 14th, and during the day on Saturday October 15th. You will need to be available on one of those dates.

If you are interested in participating please connect with us at info@ourspectrum.com and provide the following:

  1. Name and pronouns
  2. Your age
  3. Film yourself reading the paragraph below 
  4. Attach the video to your email or provide a link where we can download the video from a Dropbox, Google Drive, or similar

Script for Submission Video

SPECTRUM is Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space. Their vision is of an inclusive community where all 2SLGBTQ+ individuals are welcomed, celebrated, and supported as their authentic selves. Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission, to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

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SPECTRUM Trans and Gender Diverse Mental Health, Wellness and Suicide Prevention Toolkit

Thanks to a generous grant from the Canadian Women’s Foundation, SPECTRUM was able to partner with Wisdom2Action to develop a Trans and Gender Diverse Mental Health, Wellness and Suicide Prevention Toolkit.

In our grant application we noted that, based on the Trans PULSE Study and the local OutLook Study, as well as anecdotal information from our drop-in groups, there was evidence that pre-COVID a large portion of transgender identifying folks in Waterloo Region had not come out of the closet or found that many people in their life were un-supportive or worse, abusive. This in turn subjected these folks to high levels of mental health stress. We recognized that this situation was being aggravated by the isolation due to the COVID-19 public health emergency and the resulting close contact of individuals in un-supportive or abusive environments where they had become a captive audience.

This was the genesis for our project application for which we had two primary objectives:

First, we wanted to develop, publish, and analyse an anonymous community survey asking, among many other things, how COVID-19 isolation was affecting local transgender and non-binary people’s mental and physical health. From this group of respondents, we also wanted to interview a select few to do a deeper dive on mental health challenges. In addition, the Wisdom2Action team conducted an in-depth literature review. The information collected was used to shape the toolkit.

The second part of this project was to develop a toolkit focused on mental health promotion and suicide prevention to be used by transgender identifying folks (people in crisis), and mental health and medical health professionals and transgender allies (people who support those in crisis). We felt such information organized into a toolkit would be very useful to the community during and after the public health emergency.

On September 28, 2021, we held a community forum to share details about the information we gathered and the process of designing the toolkit. You can watch a recording of this session here.

The toolkit is now being printed and we will send physical copies to all local schools, hospitals, community counselling agencies, family health teams, and many social service agencies. A digital version of the toolkit is available to everyone for download here.

SPECTRUM would like to thank the Wisdom2Action team for their hard work in bringing this valuable toolkit to life in a very short space of time. We are also extremely grateful to the Canadian Women’s Foundation for recognizing the importance of this work and making it possible.

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Panel Discussion

LGBTQ2+ Parenting: Straight Parents of Queer Kids

LGBTQ2+ Parenting: Straight Parents of Queer Kids

The first in a series of four virtual panel discussions for Pride month. In partnership with PFLAG Waterloo, Wellington, Perth Region SPECTRUM presents a panel of four straight, cisgender parents who will discuss the unique challenges and opportunities of parenting LGBTQ2+ children. Moderated by Suzie Taka. Recorded June 9, 2021. Thank you to our panelists: Theresa Barrick, Emily Gaede, Maryanne Paul, and Matt Lucid.

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LGBTQ2+ Community Capacity Fund News Release

Investing in LGBTQ2 Communities: Minister Bardish Chagger Highlights LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund Recipient in Waterloo Region

From: Canadian Heritage

News release

WATERLOO, Ontario, March 31, 2021

The Government of Canada is working to support LGBTQ2 organizations and the critical work they do to create a more equitable and consciously more inclusive Canada. The government is fully committed to building a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to be their true authentic selves. That’s why, on February 11, 2021, we announced 76 recipients of the first ever LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund.

The Honourable Bardish Chagger, Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, and Member of Parliament (Waterloo), met with representatives of SPECTRUM Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space today. The organization recently received $279,782 from the LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund to support its community-building efforts.

Led by SPECTRUM Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space, this project will strengthen the organization’s capacity by improving board governance, developing a strategic plan, and focusing on sustainability, succession, and financial planning. The project will also make better use of evidence, data, information, and knowledge sources through an environmental scan that assesses community needs. On top of that, it will help build capacity by offering skills training as well as sensitivity training opportunities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all Canadians and certain segments disproportionately, including LGBTQ2 communities. Through the $20-million LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund, the Government of Canada recognizes that the work of these organizations is critical for better social, health, and economic outcomes in LGBTQ2 communities, which is why the important work that LGBTQ2 organizations do deserves targeted investments to ensure the sustainability of these communities. See the full list of supported organizations.


“The LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund helps advance equity for LGBTQ2 communities by supporting organizations across the country in building new tools, enhancing collaboration, and strengthening organizational development at the local level. The Government of Canada is committed to working with LGBTQ2 individuals and community-led organizations from coast to coast to coast to combat discrimination in all its forms. By supporting projects like SPECTRUM Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space, we are working to build back an even better and consciously more inclusive Canada where everyone can be their true authentic selves.”

—The Honourable Bardish Chagger, Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, and Member of Parliament (Waterloo)

“SPECTRUM is one of 76 organizations that has received capacity building support from the first federal investment in the LGBTQ2 fund. By supplementing existing funds, this will create jobs, improve the quality of life and increase equity for LGBTQ2 Canadians. The Government of Canada proudly supports the work of these essential organizations. Congratulations to all involved.”

—The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development

“I am proud of the work that SPECTRUM does to support the LGBTQ2+ community in Waterloo Region. They are a valuable resource in our community. I am happy that they have received this funding to support the expansion of their social programs and web presence. The Community Capacity Fund was created to support organizations like this who are making a difference in communities across Canada.”

—Tim Louis, Member of Parliament (Kitchener–Conestoga)

“SPECTRUM is a welcome and important presence in our community for our LGBTQ2+ neighbours. I am pleased that the Community Capacity Fund will help SPECTRUM expand its presence, build its capacity, and continue to foster a safe space. We must continue to support, affirm, and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and I look forward to working with the staff and volunteers at SPECTRUM as they develop new initiatives and partnerships. “

—Raj Saini, Member of Parliament (Kitchener Centre)

“SPECTRUM is grateful for the LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund and thanks the Government of Canada for its generous support in helping us build a larger and more stable organization that can better serve LGBTQ2+ people in Waterloo Region. Our new staff team has already done some excellent work in building up our capacity and we look forward to sharing updates about our progress throughout the year.”

—Cait Glasson, Board President, SPECTRUM Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space

Quick facts

  • The LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund call for proposals ran from on March 5, 2020 to May 14, 2020.
  • On February 11, 2021, Minister Chagger and Minister Monsef announced $15 million for 76 LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund projects across Canada.
  • As part of the COVID-19 response, the Government of Canada is investing $350 million in the Emergency Community Support Fund to support charities and non-profit organizations requiring financial assistance to address the impact of the pandemic.
  • In addition to the $20 million investment in Budget 2019 to support capacity building and community-level work by Canadian LGBTQ2 organizations, the Government of Canada has also made the following investments:
    • Global Affairs Canada announced more than $30 million to improve socioeconomic outcomes for LGBTQ2 people in developing countries;
    • The Federal Tourism Growth Strategy includes major investments in Pride events across Canada;
    • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada announced increased support for LGBTQI refugees fleeing violence and persecution through the Rainbow Refugee Assistance Partnership; and;
    • Canadian Heritage has committed $2 million over two years under the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage program for Pride and LGBTQ2 events.
  • On November 27, 2020, as a first step towards the first ever Federal LGBTQ2 Action Plan, Minister Bardish Chagger announced the launch of the public engagement process. Various engagement activities help the Government of Canada better understand the daily realities and experiences of LGBTQ2 people in Canada in areas such as employment, healthcare, housing and homelessness, and safety.

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For more information (media only), please contact:

Emelyana Titarenko
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage

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A place for the maturing rainbow community

A place for the maturing rainbow community

SPECTRUM Prime is a social and discussion group for older LGBTQ-identified adults.

Our Goal is to reduce isolation among older adults in the local LGBTQ community, and to create a supportive community for ourselves as we age.

Our Activities -Twice a month we gather at SPECTRUM for socializing and discussion.  We also go on social outings.  In the future we plan to invite speakers on topics of interest to us, and also arrange inter-generational gatherings where we might tell younger folks our stories and hear theirs as well.

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